Welcome FoodPreneur

Congratulations! You are about to discover our best tips and tricks to start a food business in Vancouver.

This is a complete DIY solution that we prepare specifically for you. We hope you enjoy this solution and if you like them, please share them so others can also benefit from this page.


Example of how we can help your food start-up:

  • Advice on the food start-up process
  • Get it right from the start –
    • Food safety advice that helps keep food consumer safe and meeting regulatory requirements
    • Operational tips
  • Moving your company from a simple food safety program to a globally recognized system -to help you gain more customers and business
  • Optimize your food operations through system reviews and automation
  • Navigate through food import/export requirements

Here are a few testimonials from food-preneur that have just started their business.

Would you be the next food-preneur that we assist?
Book a complimentary meeting with us to see how we can work together.
Can’t wait to help you launch your food brand.