As a food business owner, your main goal is to get your products into stores and ultimately into the hands of consumers. One of the most important tools in achieving this goal is a sell sheet – a single-page document highlighting your product’s key features and benefits. A great sell sheet can catch the eye of store buyers and convince them to carry your product on their shelves.

In our previous blog, we shared the basics of creating a sell sheet, including identifying key information and using a clean design. In this blog, we’ll take it further and share some design elements that can help your sell sheet stand out.

Use a Unique Layout for Your Sell Sheet

A unique layout is one of the easiest ways to make your sell sheet stand out. A non-traditional layout can catch the eye of store buyers and make your product more memorable. Consider using an asymmetrical design or breaking up the page into distinct sections. This can help organize the information on the page and make it easier for store buyers to digest.

While it’s important to showcase your product’s key features and benefits, it’s equally important to keep your sell sheet simple and easy to read.

Avoid using jargon or technical language that may confuse or overwhelm store buyers. Instead, use simple and clear language that communicates the key points of your product.

Also, be sure to use a clear and legible font with a font size that is easy to read. Don’t overcrowd the page with too much information or too many images.

By keeping your sell sheet simple, you’ll make it easier for store buyers to grasp the key benefits of your product quickly.

Add a Splash of Color

Colour is a powerful tool for drawing attention to your sell sheet. Choose a colour scheme that complements your branding and highlights the key features of your product. For example, if your product is a healthy snack, consider using bright, vibrant colours that convey a sense of energy and vitality. If your product is more traditional or classic, consider using a more muted colour palette that evokes a sense of warmth and comfort.

Use Engaging Graphics on Sell Sheet

In addition to using colour, you can also use graphics and icons to communicate the benefits of your product visually. For example, use an icon of a clock to indicate that your product is quick and easy to prepare. Use an icon of a heart to indicate that your product is heart-healthy. These graphics can be a powerful tool for conveying information quickly and effectively.

Tips: You must check the use of the graphics when using the symbols on your product packaging. When possible, use an index to indicate the meaning of the symbols.

Make Your Sell Sheet Interactive

Another way to make your sell sheet stand out is by adding interactive elements. For example, consider adding a QR code that links to a video demonstrating your product or a recipe that features your product. This can help store buyers better understand your product and how it can be used. It can also make your sell sheet more memorable and engaging.

Include Testimonials on Sell Sheet

Finally, consider including testimonials from satisfied customers or industry experts. These testimonials can help build credibility and persuade store buyers to carry your product. Make sure to choose testimonials that are specific and relevant to your product. For example, if you’re selling a gluten-free product, include testimonials from customers with celiac disease or gluten intolerance.

Use Our Complimentary Sell Sheet Template

Now that you have an idea of some design elements you can incorporate into your sell sheet, it’s time to put it all together.

Creating a sell sheet from scratch can be daunting, especially if you don’t have design experience. A template can help you start the design process and ensure that you include all the necessary elements on your sell sheet.

Luckily, our previous blog shared a free sell sheet template you can use as a guide. Be sure to customize this sell sheet template to match your branding and include the design elements we discussed, such as engaging graphics, colour, and testimonials.

Here’s how to use it:

  1. Download the template and open it in a Vista Create template.
  2. Replace the product image with a high-quality photo of your product.
  3. Replace the text with your product information. Remember to highlight your product’s key benefits, ingredients, and unique selling points.
  4. Choose a colour scheme that complements your branding and highlights the key features of your product.
  5. Use engaging graphics and icons to communicate the benefits of your product visually.
  6. Consider adding interactive elements like a QR code or recipe.
  7. Include testimonials from satisfied customers or industry experts.

By following these steps and using our free sell sheet template as a guide, you can create a stunning sell sheet that effectively communicates your product’s unique features and benefits. Remember to keep your language clear and concise. Focus on the benefits of your product and what sets it apart from the competition.

Bonus tips: Share Your Story

Consumers are becoming more interested in the stories behind the products they buy. Sharing your company’s story can help build a connection with your audience and make your product more memorable.

Include a brief overview of your company’s history, mission, and values on your sell sheet. Consider sharing a personal story about what inspired you to create your product or the process behind developing your recipe.

When telling your story, keep it concise and easy to understand. Please focus on the key points that differentiate your product and make it unique.

We are working on how to share your food brand story article next. Meanwhile, we hope you enjoy our sell sheet template.